Re HR transformation services explained

We help organisations and trade unions to steer people through organisational changes during the times when the businesses are acquired, merged or outsourced & new lines of services introduced.  With gained expertise we  support potential investors to deeply understand the non-financial side of the organisation that is highly related to organisational culture & ways of working. We offer a range of corporate HR diagnostics tools to define associated risk with how people lead the organisations, what is their employee experience, how HR systems are compliant with local labour law or/and with corporate policies.  With us you receive objective observations on how employees live the corporate sustainability values against the key stakeholder's expectations.

Execution support of people agenda- Outsourcing lines of services, closing business units

Your business model is redefined and no longer includes several lines of services. In people management world this means to prepare the company with execution plan that can include several activities: ranging from reskilling employees to use digital ways of working, completely or partially terminating job families and positions, changing organisation  structure redefining the scope of roles, replanning workforce FTE's, redesigning HR systems that are linked to employee management cycle.   But an agenda on paper is not enough - we deliver value by  managing crucial themes with key defined stakeholders: employees, trade unions and works council. We are supporting you on your journey  from defined framework onwards towards your FTE defined financial plan bringing together expertise from labour law, leadership & development, employee relations, workforce planning, organisation design to principles of introducing change.

Management of Collective Redundancy Program in line with Employment Relationship Act ZDR-1

Involved from the beginning. In Re HR we partner  from the idea to the execution and steer the client through design of program towards handling notices of employment termination.  An intense phase for management can be outsourced to assure objective, risk mitigated and  transparent process. These services are tightly bind to map the job positions in scope of redundancies, forecast employee annual budget, define areas of employer relations with employment centres, impacted people, trade unions & works council. All this is strengthen by developing a detailed communication and managing change plan with a focus on managing people's fears and trust, organisation effectiveness  and not to forget to power the "we can do spirit" and "what is working well awareness" during the time of uncertainties.  By outsourcing this process HR managers can remain focused on  assuring good employee experience to the people who move and don't need to spends hours learning what are the right steps to take and to execute business agenda based on lessons learned from previous incorporated projects.

Implementing new organisation structure

We don't design your organisation processes but are skilled and experienced that once you have defined your future proof organisation model  to further  guide you, steps by step, all the way to bring your new organisation structure alive. Our clients  get equipped with the right tools to take the decision defining their talent that will enable business ideas to thrive. Organisations receive a full implementation support to change into new organisation model. This service taps into workforce and organisation design areas of HR, implementing new organisation's legal framework that defines systemisation of work and assure compliance with labour law and the principles of change management. This service can be extended with Management of Collective Redundancy Program in line with Employment Relationship Act ZDR-1 or/and with Execution support of people agenda- Outsourcing lines of services, closing business units.

Aligning key people policies and rights within the Collective Agreement (Slovene: PKP- Podjetniška kolektivna pogodba) 

We support each stakeholder (board - HR  or the trade union side) and steer the client objectively through the negotiation process; aligning the interest of representative trade unions and their respective voice of members with the business capabilities and future business sustainability plans. This service is grounded in wider understanding of numerous HR practices that bundle in the collective agreement. Our deep expertise with  managing the process on one side and having a  deep understanding of the employment law on mentioned HR practices (connected pay policies, rewarding & compensation principles, onboarding practices, employee assessment,   workforce planning, health and wellbeing practices) will assure the client the quality of the collective agreement. Our approach to work is to assure to the client that it's future agility is captured in each defined collective agreement clause and that these agreements further align with employee cost forecasting. We support you process wise, content based, legally and psychologically to finish sign of collective agreement on time with good spirit and a win-win outcome.

Reach out for the complete

portfolio of transformational services

or explore services of pay renewal and benchmarks

Do you need support with transferring corporate HR practices across borders to your subsidiaries? Would you like to standardise  your HR processes across countries/regions?

Are you looking to improve business unit productivity, accelerate the organisation drive and change the culture about how your teams work across business units? 

Are you thinking of revamping management teams and you are not sure if this would bring the right people change?

Consult with us
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