Are you thinking to rewrite HR strategy and your approach to people?


Transforming HR with HR business partnering model

By implementing HR business partner model organisations not only  immediately transform organisation's approach to people but move away from traditional administrative management of employee lifecycle, strengthen their productivity and support employees to excel, accelerate and grow. Our consultants have been before in HR BP roles in Australia which guarantees clients to deliver  a quality design of HRBP model that is best suitable for your organisation structure and considerate of maturity of your lines of services and organisational culture. This service goes usually hand in hand with implementing shared services model or people service call centre. It has an enormous impact on roles and responsibilities practiced in traditional HR department, as the implementation of such model shifts the company towards new ways of resolving people challenges and queries, making the work of HR professionals measurable, data driven in terms of time for resolution, nr. of cases covered and  calls for many HR processes review.

Designing HR shared services or people contact centre

Implementing centralised people management model means that your employment administration, payroll, recruitment administration, people queries relations are managed centrally, are digitalised, standardised & streamlined to improve cost, efficiency and employee experience.  With the decision of running a local or regional shared service model your organisation will provide consistency in HR policy interpretation. This service leans on partnering with UX and IT experts to accelerate people hiring, transferring across units and managing ER queries. Such model and  services that use new available technologies will improve people efficiency, data collecting and handling, speed up reporting and accelerate team experience. Its implementation is linked to HR BP approach. It changes the entire HR infrastructure and organisation of work respectful departments handling payroll, performance management and compensation, recruitment and employment cycle. Suitable for companies dispersed across wider region or with numerous employee count (HC 1000+).

Key characteristics of shared service model:

By implementing HR shared services & HR BP model organisations are able to better track and to effectively resolve the people related matters. Capturing them in time and addressing them on time. Key stakeholders gain a deeper view into organisational culture and people related challenges, cases can be analysed and grouped by common themes, programs can be developed to target challenges organisation wide.  You will not need to wonder anymore: How much personal data is handled within people function but how well to use it to shape the future fit HR processes? Data becomes available within company, unit, market, by leader and by working teams. It just works better then 360.

standardisation of common Q&A available in digital and AI form, via chat or different communication channels

impact> productive HR teams

tracking nr. and themes of people cases (with calls, chats, queries by with ref.#)

impact> productive HR teams, managing employee experience

shortening response time for  answering people questions centrally

impact> productive HR teams, employee experience

available statistics for managers beyond fluctuation, absenteeism and sick leave

impact> effective leaders

aligning nr. of HC in people support with nr. of cases and queries

impact> efficient HR teams

1 point of contact

impact> cohesive and consistent people communication

Examples of our work

Leading Facility Services Company

3000 +HC

Reference Project

People Service centre design and implementation of HR Business Partners. 

Renewal of key workforce planning processes.

11 months long projects has changed companies approach to people management through implementing centralised people contact center. Recruited and internally assessed were talents to take on new roles as HR BP's and engaged was a new Head of People Contact Center. Our company has lead the HR BP team for 6 months assuring a smooth mentoring and transition.

International Bank

800+ HC

Reference Project

Redesign of HR department structure, implementing HR Business partner approach

Renewal of traditional HR department into  BP supported partner model, changing the approach how HR holistically resolves day to day people related challenges turning into opportunities, shifting the focus from supporting payroll and managing employee cycle towards creating a culture of trust, productivity and innovation.

  Accelerate your people side of the business not only the AI. 

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