Re HR Ltd is a boutique consulting firm predominantly focused on supporting organisation's founders, boards and investors to execute people and HR systems transformation programs. We are specialised in implementation of new operating models focusing on Slovenian market, implementing HR shared service centers and resolving people related matters on your agenda.
We differentiate ourselves with a unique capability: hands-on experience of successfully leading people and HR systems change as Chief People Officers across diverse industries, cultures & markets.
This is combined with deep understanding of local employee relations, trade unions operating models and legal, institutional & cultural context in which businesses operate and most important the emotions of people.
"Re" HR stands for restructure, renew, reframe, reinvigorate, revive, refine, reassess, rethink, recalibrate, revamp, redifine, reorgannise and for Radeja Elgetz Kovacic, Founder and Independed People and Culture Change Board Advisor
Renewal of HR systems, processes and practices that support an organisations workforce management and people operations in line with local labour law & align with business goals.
Implementing centralised people management model where employment administration, payroll, recruitment administration, people queries relations are managed centrally, digitalise, standardise & are streamlined to improve cost, efficiency, employee experience and provide consistency in policy interpretation and .
Assuring to implement a new organisation design and chart with end to end people process management services including the full set up of new people ecosystems and appointing people into critical roles in order to revamp business & drive culture change.
Open Sans
Noto Sans
Bebas Neue
Great Vibes
Rock Salt
Indie Flower
Roboto Slab
Noto Serif
Open Sans
While we steer teams through projects such as implementing new organisation design, creating people ecosystems, defining new pay structure or changing collective agreements ... we will always make sure to keep an eye on mitigating the risks associated with approach to change, accelerating the quality of driving people & culture transformation.
either new pay systems, new organisation structure and job responsibilities, new policies, new HR systems, new ways of working and organisation values
researching the associated risk, feasibility and ability to implement new processes and organisation structure given the legislative Slovenian labour law frameworks usually creating a risk profile
weight the options for execution and their associated risk
that is in our heart of expertise...
includes stakeholder communication, guiding client to comply with legal timelines under Administrative Procedure Act (slo. ZUP), assuring to mitigate wider risks, changing internal acts, or/and systems, processes & practices to seeing new people in roles
Re HR, accelerating HR systems, people and culture change, Ltd.
Ulica Metke Krašovec 18,
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Copyright Radeja Elgetz Kovacic 2025